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Six to eight times a year we provide worship and dinner on a Saturday night for our friends at Crossroads. Crossroads Ministry is a non-profit organization that provides resources such as transitional housing, homeless assistance and food services to the under-resourced of our county.

Lassen County Fair

Every July we serve Lassen County by working at the Fair. We staff the admission gates, empty garbage, pick up trash and clean the restrooms for the five days of the fair. Look for us in our bright green Lassen County Fair Ministry Team t-shirts.

Christmas Dinner

Since 2011 we have joined with the Lassen County Fair Board to provide dinner for our community on Christmas day. We deliver to individual homes and we serve a sit-down meal of ham and all the fixings at Jensen Hall.

Marriage Conference & Retreats

Every February, Community Church host our annual Marriage Conference. It starts on Friday night and concludes early Saturday afternoon. We partner with Marriage Today to bring Lassen County world class authors, speakers and pastors in the area of encouraging and supporting marriage. We follow-up the Marriage Conference with one or two Marriage Retreats in the early Fall.


Sunday Services at 1400 Numa; 9:00am and 11:00am
Livestream at 9:00am

Community Church of Susanville

Sunday Services

1400 Numa Road

Susanville, CA 96130

Office Address

65 S. Lassen Street

Susanville, CA 96130

Mailing Address

PO Box  1148

Susanville, CA 96130


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Community Church of Susanville

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