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Not sure what to expect ? Don't worry, we have you covered!


When and where are your church services?

There are two services on Sunday morning. Service times are 9:00am and 11:00am.

Services take place at 1400 Numa Road in Susanville, California.


Do I have to wear something specific?

Come casual and comfortable.

From jeans and shorts to dresses and business casual - simply be you and join us!


What if I don't have a Bible?

That's okay! We keep extra Bibles on hand for anyone that doesn't have one. They are available at each service, prior to the beginning of the message.

For those that prefer to use their electronic device, free Wi-Fi is available. The YouVersion Bible app is a great option to view the Bible on your smart-phone or tablet.


What happens when I get there?

When entering the building, you will be welcomed by smiling greeters who will hand you a Connection Card where you can give us your contact information if you'd like to receive regular updates from Community Church. A table in the back of the sanctuary has sermon notes and an announcement sheet for upcoming events.

Located to the left of the entry doors is the Welcome Center, where you can stop by to get information on upcoming events and ministries. Located to the right of the entry doors is the Kids Check-In Center where you can check your kids (up through 4th grade) in for Sunday School classes. Before the service starts, you can grab a cup of coffee or tea, just before entering the sanctuary.


What happens during a service on Sunday?

Services begin on time and open with a welcome by one of our friendly staff members. The worship band then takes the lead to help everyone prepare their hearts and refocus their minds to receive God's message, as delivered by one of the pastors. During the worship set, offering baskets are passed around to provide the church family the opportunity to give. Simply pass it along when it comes your way; don’t forget to place your completed connection card in the basket first!

The service usually lasts about 90 minutes.


Where do my kids go?

Community Kids is available at both Sunday services, for children from birth to 6th grade. The Kid's Check-In Center is located to the right of the entry doors. There you will find volunteers that will be able to assist you with getting your child(ren) safely checked-in and direct you to the age-appropriate classroom for your child(ren).​

Student Ministry is for youth in 7th through 12th grades. They meet after the worship set, during the 11am service.


How do I meet people or get connected?

We love to meet new people!

The two easiest ways to get connected:

Visit the Welcome Center to say hello and ask questions.

Fill out the connection card that comes in the bulletin. You can sign-up to receive emails to stay up-to-date with church activities or you can request someone contact you with information regarding a specific ministry.


Sunday Services at 1400 Numa; 9:00am and 11:00am
Livestream at 9:00am

Community Church of Susanville

Sunday Services

1400 Numa Road

Susanville, CA 96130

Office Address

65 S. Lassen Street

Susanville, CA 96130

Mailing Address

PO Box  1148

Susanville, CA 96130


© 2023by

Community Church of Susanville

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