Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery ministry designed to bring freedom to individuals who are struggling with various hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It meets each Friday night at 6:30pm at 65 S. Lassen Street.
Each meeting consists of worship through music, teaching in a large group setting, and then small groups sessions to support and encourage one another.
Celebrate Recovery is the place to find help, healing, and hope. We welcome any and all who want to recover sanity and restore healthy behaviors to their life. If you are looking to break free from any life-altering addiction and live the life that God intends, join us.
Prayer Meeting
God answers prayer! Each Monday night at 6:30, we gather at 65 S. Lassen Street to pray for the needs of our church and our community. This includes the requests submitted through the Connection Cards on Sunday mornings as well as those we receive all week long through After a short devotional and a time of sharing personal requests, we break up into smaller groups and spend time bringing our needs before God. Over the years we have seen time and again that God is faithful to answer when we cry out to him. Everyone is invited to come and join us to pray or to be prayed for.
Each Monday night at 6:00pm, the men of Community Church gather to share a meal and study God’s Word together. The Bible study starts around 6:30 and is led by one of our pastors. It’s always an enriching time of fellowship and spiritual conversation. We’d love to have you join us! Suggested donation for the meal is $5.00.
Small Groups
Throughout the week, the people of Community Church meet together in their homes to pray for one another and study the Bible. We believe these groups are an essential part of our spiritual growth. The church is the Family of God, and He intends for us to grow together! Please contact the church office to find the small group that’s right for you.
God has called Community Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ not only in Lassen County, but around the world. We support 20 different missionaries and their families around the world, and believe it is our responsibility not only to meet their financial needs, but to pray for them regularly and to partner with them in whatever ways we can. We regularly send short-term teams to come alongside our missionaries, and are currently developing a strategic partnership with our sponsored ReachGlobal missionary in Khanaberia, India in a combined child sponsorship/church planting effort to reach the people of the Kolkata region for Christ.
Justice Task Force
Justice is an important value at Community Church. Formed in 2017, our Justice Task Force seeks to provide biblical solutions to the issues of Abuse, Human Trafficking and Poverty. Once a year we host our Empower Conference, and throughout the year we lead different initiatives to curb injustice in our community and around the world.
Losing a loved one is hard, but you don’t have to through it alone. GriefShare combines a video-based lesson, group discussion, and personal study and reflection to bring the hope and healing of Christ to those who have experienced loss. The 13-week cycle is offered twice a year, in the fall and in the spring, on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm at the Lassen St. Building: 65 South Lassen, Susanville.
Summer Lunch Program
Since 2012, we have provided a simple lunch for the school age children of our county during their summer break from school. What started with about a dozen daily lunches in the kitchen of one of our members has now grown to providing hundreds of lunches four times a week throughout Lassen County. We serve Susanville, Janesville, South County and partner with Standish Bible Church to serve Standish and Litchfield. The Summer Lunch Program is part of our Justice Task Force. The program typically runs from early June to early August.